Alternating Neutral Bicep Curl

How to Alternating Neutral Bicep Curl
Primary Muscles: Upper Body, Biceps
Exercise Families: Arms
Equipment: Dumbbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with the feet hip-width apart, shoulder blades pulled back, and spine and head in good posture. Rotate your hands to a neutral position, the palms of the hands should face the hips. This is the starting position.
Curl the dumbbell in the left hand, keeping the left elbow in a fixed position as you pull the weights toward the shoulder. Pause briefly, holding the up-position, and slowly straighten the left arm as you lower the weight to the starting position.
Repeat the neutral bicep curl with the right arm and continue alternating between sides for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
You should feel this working the forearms and biceps.
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