Barbell Alternating Lunge

How to Barbell Alternating Lunge
Exercise Families: Lunge
Equipment: Barbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with the feet hip-width apart, position a barbell at the peak of the shoulder blades, spine and head in good posture, shoulder blades pulled back, toes pointing straight ahead.
Step forward with the right leg into a lunge position. Be sure to maintain alignment between the right knee and the right foot. Hold the down-position briefly, push through the right hip to drive the body back to the starting position.
Repeat the movement on the left side, step forward with the left leg into a lunge position. Be sure to maintain alignment between the left knee and the left foot. Hold the down-position briefly, push through the arch of the left foot to press the body to the standing position.
Allow the trunk to angle forward approximately 20° as you step forward into the lowest part of the lunge position. Be sure to keep the chest up and hold good posture. Keep the abs contracted throughout the movement to stabilize the spine.
You should feel this working the glutes, quads, hamstrings, hips, and core muscles.
Alternative Exercises:
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