BOSU Ball Chest Press

Learn how to perform a BOSU Ball chest press perfectly with instructions and video by SHOCK Fitness Trainer, Ashley Steele.

How to BOSU Ball Press

Primary Muscles: Upper Body,  Chest

Equipment: BOSU Ball,  Dumbbell

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Lie on a BOSU ball with good posture, a natural arch in the lower back, and your feet braced firmly on the floor or on a bench.

  2. Position the dumbbells horizontal to the body and aligned over the shoulders. Begin with the elbows pointed outward, the wrists straight, and the core and trunk muscles contracted.

  3. Slowly lower the arms and allow the hands to separate, keeping them just inside the elbows. Continue to lower the arms until the upper arm is about parallel with the floor, with the hands slightly inside the elbows.

  4. Keep your core strong, hold the down-position briefly, slowly exhale, and press the arms, and dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  5. You should feel this challenging core stability and working the chest, arms, and triceps.

Alternative Exercises:

Glute Bridge + Press  Bench Press

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