Elevation Bicep Curl

How to Elevation Bicep Curl
Primary Muscles: Upper Body, Biceps
Exercise Families: Arms
Equipment: Dumbbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with your feet hip-width maintaining good posture, arms at your sides, and palms facing the ceiling in a supinated wrist position. Elevate both arms approximately 60-degrees in the air and hold the position.
Tighten your biceps to curl the weights toward your shoulders. Pause, holding the up-position briefly, and slowly extend your arms until both elbows are fully straight.
Be sure to keep your arms lifted in the air, not allowing your elbows to fall toward the ground as you perform the curl motion. Engage your abs to stabilize your spine.
Continue the elevation bicep curls for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
You should feel this exercise working your biceps, shoulders, and challenging your core.
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