RDL + Squat

How to RDL + Squat
Exercise Families: Deadlift, Squat
Equipment: Dumbbell
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a pair of dumbbells in front of your thighs.
Push the hips back to lower the dumbbells down your thighs and shins. You'll feel a slight stretch in your hamstring. Briefly pause, bring the torso to the standing position, sliding the dumbbells back up the shins and thighs.
Squat back and down, keeping your knees aligned with your toes as you lower toward the ground.
Hold the squat position briefly, and push through the hips to drive the body to the standing position. Repeat the deadlift and squat combination for the specified amount of repetitions.
You should feel this working the glutes, hamstrings, hips, and thighs.
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