Reverse Lunge Jump

How to Reverse Lunge Jump (L)
Exercise Families: Cardio, Lunge
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Start in a split lunge stance on the ball of your right foot, with your left leg forward, right arm bent at 90-degrees of elbow flexion, left arm extended behind your body, maintaining good posture with your torso angled forward, chest up, and both knees slightly bent.
Push your left foot through the floor while driving your right knee forward toward the sky. Be sure to use opposite arm-action to assist the dynamic movement—as your right hip moves forward, your left arm should swing forward.
Land softly, extending your right leg back to the starting position as you swing your left arm behind you. Rapidly repeat the dynamic lunge jump movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
If reverse lunge jumps are too challenging or cause joint-discomfort, you can receive the same benefits by performing one of our alternative lower impact exercises.
- You should feel this working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Alternative Exercises:
Alternating Reverse Lunge • Lunge Jump
How to Reverse Lunge Jump (R)
Exercise Families: Cardio, Lunge
Equipment: Bodyweight
Trainer: Ashley Steele
Start in a split lunge stance on the ball of your left foot, with your right leg forward, left arm bent at 90-degrees of elbow flexion, right arm extended behind your body, maintaining good posture with your torso angled forward, chest up, and both knees slightly bent.
Push your right foot through the floor while driving your left knee toward the sky. Be sure to use opposite arm-action to assist the dynamic movement—as your left hip moves forward, your right arm should swing forward.
Land softly, extending your left leg back to the starting position as you swing your right arm behind you. Rapidly repeat the dynamic lunge jump movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.
If reverse lunge jumps are too challenging or cause joint-discomfort you can elevate your heart rate performing one of our lower impact alternative exercise options.
- You should feel this working your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Alternative Exercises:
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