Split Hop

Learn how to perform split hops correctly with instructions and video guide by SHOCK Fitness Trainer, Ashley Steele!

How to Split Hop

Exercise Families: Cardio

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand in an athletic position, maintain good posture with your feet hip-width, elbows bent 90-degrees, and arms at your sides. 

  2. Spring in the air and separate your legs apart as your body elevates off the floor. Land softly on the ground with the feet split wide—your feet should be positioned outside of shoulder-width upon landing.

  3. Without delay, quickly recoil by jumping in the air as you bring the feet together. Land softly, returning to the starting position, and continue the split jumps for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. Split Jumps will help improve your endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, and overall fitness. You should feel this challenging your glutes, hips, and thighs. 

Alternative Exercises:

Split Jump  Alternating Lunge Jump

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