Star Jump

Learn how to perform star jumps with video and instructions by SHOCK App trainer, Ashley Steele.

How to Star Jump

Exercise Families: Cardio

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand in good posture with your arms bent, hands pointing towards the ceiling, elbows tucked, and your feet shoulder-width.

  2. Push your hips back and down, allowing your trunk to angle forward approximately 20 degrees. Drive your feet through the ground to spring your body upward toward the sky. Extend your arms in the air with force as you perform the jump to assist the explosive movement.

  3. Land softly as your body falls toward the floor returning to a squat position. Use the energy from the fall to rapidly recoil into your next jump. Repeat the jumping movement for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. You should feel this challenging your endurance, working the arms, glutes, quads, and hamstring muscles.

Alternative Exercises:

Cross-Jacks  Tempo Bench Jump

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