Bodyweight Knee-Up

See how to do a bodyweight knee-up with SHOCK Personal Trainer Ashley Steele!

How to Left Leg Knee-Up

Primary Muscles: Legs,  Glutes

Exercise Families: Step-Up

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand with a bench or elevated platform in front of the body and position the feet hip-width apart. Place your left foot on the bench, hold the hands together or relax the arms by the sides, pull the shoulder blades back, and keep the spine and head in good posture.

  2. Press through the arch of the left foot to propel the body upward, drive the right knee toward the chest as you step on the bench with the left leg. Return to the starting position by keeping the left leg on the bench as you step to the ground with the right leg.

  3. Pause briefly, and repeat the movement on the left side for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. You should feel this working your glutes, hamstrings, thighs, and outer hip muscles. 

Alternative Exercises:

Dumbbell Knee-Up  Bodyweight Static Lunge

How to Right Leg Knee-Up

Primary Muscles: Legs,  Glutes

Exercise Families: Step-Up

Equipment: Bodyweight

Trainer: Ashley Steele


  1. Stand with a bench or elevated platform in front of the body and position the feet hip-width apart. Place your right foot on the bench, hold the hands together or relax the arms by the sides, pull the shoulder blades back, and keep the spine and head in good posture.

  2. Press through the arch of the right foot to propel the body upward, drive the left knee toward the chest as you step on the bench with the right leg. Return to the starting position by keeping the right leg on the bench as you step to the ground with the left leg.

  3. Pause briefly, and repeat the movement on the right side for the specified amount of time or repetitions.

  4. You should feel this working your glutes, hamstrings, thighs, and outer hip muscles. 

Alternative Exercises:

Med Ball Knee-Up  Dumbbell Step-Up

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